We are committed to providing our customers at these sites with a high quality food offer, which excites them, promotes use of the site facilities and represents value for money.
Our combined core and retail meal offers provide maximum appeal for customers who are becoming increasingly more brand aware and want more variety in their food choices, but at the right price.
Our MoD catering services have a strong track record of reducing subsidy through greater customer participation, increasing footfall and customer satisfaction. The outcomes at the major UK naval base where we have been the catering contractor for 5 years prove the effectiveness of this approach. Here we serve up to 13,000 MoD employees, visitors and contractors and through the continual development of the quality, value and variety of our offers - we have achieved year on year average sales growth of 23%, and 83% customer satisfaction rating, also in an upward trend year on year.
We develop service offers tailored to the character and environment and specific customer needs of each site. In designing our service offers we draw on our own proven in house branded offers and on High Street brands such as Subway, Pizza Hut, Starbucks and Costa.
Our MoD catering service teams are trained to the highest industry standards, completely committed to the purpose of the establishment and valued as members of the site community. They bring our company’s belief in combining best practices and professionalism with a heart-warming approach to customers’ engagement and care.