How it works
The Loyalty Scheme has been created to help educate, inform and influence customers to make more environmentally conscious purchasing choices. Initially the Scheme will encourage lower carbon food choices by targeting vegetarian and vegan offers. The Loyalty Scheme will then expand to include other green choices such as plant-based milk and reusable items.
The new Loyalty Scheme operates in a similar way to other reward schemes. In this case, when green items are purchased, Eco Points are awarded. When a customer has collected ten Eco Points they are notified that their conscious purchasing decisions have enabled a tree to be planted, helping to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and reverse biodiversity loss as part of global reforestation.
Charlotte Wright, Head of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability, Elior UK says: “We are delighted to have teamed up with JUST ONE Tree, a non-profit initiative, to launch this exciting Loyalty Scheme. Customers who make ‘green’ choices when placing orders via our Breaz App will not only be making their business more environmentally sustainable, but on a global scale, they will also be positively giving back to the planet.
“Reducing environmental impact is hugely important to us as a business and with consumers now more aware than ever of the ethical and environmental impact of goods and services this is a timely introduction.”
Elior UK want to help people understand how changing their behaviour can help make our world a better place. Charlotte says, “Our goal is to help people understand how their purchasing decisions impact our world. We want to help customers make decisions that enhance the quality of their lives, their family’s lives and their communities.”
Amanda Bronkhorst, Founder of JUST ONE Tree, says: “I am thrilled that Elior UK is taking this proactive route to help save our planet.
“At JUST ONE Tree we focus on planting trees in areas severely affected by deforestation to maximise the effect on reducing global warming. In the process we help to provide agricultural education and sustainable incomes to the local community members.
“Trees are carbon sinks, absorbing the pollutants we humans put into the atmosphere. They clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, prevent soil erosion and flooding, give life to the world's wildlife, form complex ecosystems, supply us with medicine and provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people. Trees really are the superheroes of the planet and we need them in order to survive.
“We’re delighted that by joining our JUST ONE Tree Collective, Elior UK will be helping us have an even bigger impact on the future of our planet.”
Catherine Roe, Chief Executive at Elior UK, says, “The new Scheme builds on our desire to become a truly sustainable business and ensure we have a positive impact in our communities and on the world around us.”
This is being introduced as part of a number of other CSR initiatives, including Elior UK’s bold move last year to transition its vehicles to 100% electric in a bid to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions.
Catherine says, “Whilst we are proud of the work we are doing we know there is much more work to be done. We continue to work hard as a business to identify new CSR initiatives to drive change and identify the steps we can take to help inform people and promote how we can all make change to reduce our impact on the environment.”